When we can, Peter and I visit the boathouses in Williamstown and we try to make sure the owners or members of the anglers club aren't around. When they are, taking pictures can get a little awkward but when they're not, sitting by the end of one of the piers can be quite therapeutic on a day with good weather.
It's still a little cold to be cancelling out pants and stockings completely but it seemed rather nice to have bared my legs whilst the sun began to set during the early evening. This season my favourite colour became that of all sorts of mustards and khaki and I really did enjoy this year's gloriously chill winter but I would love to move onto Spring now. I want to be able to wear dresses again and look forward to the early finish of uni to spend most of my time making myself more things. It'd be lovely to reunite with Gloria (my machine of course) to make myself perhaps a few A line skirts that have really been presenting themselves well in all the shops for quite some time.
Chuck Taylor's//Tempt striped top//Chicabooti sweater//Glassons skirt//Princess Highway bag
Photos taken by Peter
Please write below where u bought this top from. x I'll be looking back soon. Also, please keep writing. ��
Hey there,
I apologize for the late reply. I bought this top from Chicabooti.
Thanks for stopping by!
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