I may have mentioned once before that I volunteer at the Werribee Open Range Zoo so I spend a few minutes some days strolling the grounds catching quick glimpses of the animals before or after each shift. Although I was able to go for a round today, it was inevitable that I was sticking to my clothes in the heat and to anything leathery for the rest of the day. I've never volunteered on a scorching hot day before and after today, I don't take the thought of it too fondly. I barely got to take pictures of the animals as they were all slouching around within view but too far to notice in a picture so I'm afraid I have left those out with hopes to take some more pictures with luck next time. I did however, manage to snap one of an African boa which wasn't as exciting since he/she wasn't up anyway either. For now, I'm volunteering in Ranger Kids which is a room that all beginner volunteers start in. It's a great learning and hands on experience for the children where they can dress up and be veterinarians, rangers, tortoises or dress up as one of the people from the tribe of Melako.
Today out of all days, I held a tortoise! Unfortunately, I hadn't taken a picture of one or with one as of course, I needed to help the keeper out for the visitors but it was fun and exciting. The leopard tortoise's name was Neville (highly ironic as I'm currently divulging in the Harry Potter instalments) and he was 6kgs light. He was happy and grazed around happily. After the 10 minute encounter, he had to head back in to the Ranger Kids room where his enclosure is located. I'm sure if Australia allowed me to have a tortoise, there is no doubt that I would indeed have one. This year, you might see a lot of posts of when I go to the zoo just because it's always such a fun place and though it'll always look the same, each experience is it's own and that's something I'd like to share.

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