It seems like the weather is all anyone can talk about since we are transitioning with Spring vibes and I have to say, it felt lovely to be out in the sun with the weekend exceeding the 20s. Hello warmth, it's been a while.

I haven't been able to wear a summery outfit in months and spring has only impressed me with clear skies and a weekend warm enough to wear just a dress. I almost felt like leaving my cardigan off for the rest of my time at Pipemakers because the sun kept beaming in every direction. It was so warm that at one point, I felt like taking my Swan Platforms off which was a delight because the grass was cool and felt so soft under my toes. Although I still do enjoy my new platforms but I just couldn't resist prancing with them on and off my feet. Today really was a feel-good day and now I have a feeling that summer might just be a great one with more adventures. I greatly look forward to the nearing uni break plans that involve plenty of drives away from here.

Dress I made myself//Cocolatte cardigan//Dangerfield straw heart bag//YRU swan platforms via Dollskill//American Apparel bow clip

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