Well, I suppose it's not longer my birthday as it has been 2 days since Halloween and naturally, I did something a little halloweeny before I proceeding to enjoy the evening, mini-celebrating the day of my birthing. I felt a little sad knowing that I wouldn't be at home to greet the little witches, ghouls and zombies that came to trick-or-treat. The only time of the year where peculiar creatures come lurking during dusk and no one raises an alarm. It does seem strange how popular Halloween has become in Australia since it's not a part of our culture, and although I don't like to dress to spook but rather just dress up, I have greatly welcomed its tradition to carve rather sad looking pumpkins for fun. The carving tools I used I actually bought from Lombard for my birthday party last year. These are great tools for carving pumpkins and taking the seeds out. It's less dangerous than using a knife which I used the first time big pumpkins were sold for carving at Coles. The tools also make carving a whole lot quicker and give you more precision with detail for those who care for such things. I on the other hand don't know how to design anything if I tried. I like my birthday and I like having a birthday that lands on an eventful time of the year.

Old NastyGal dress//Bras N Things lace mask (from a play set)//YRU Swan platforms//Lovisa earrings

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