Originally, this was meant to be a guest post only Peter isn't quite fluent with blogging and so I am left to finish off this post which he has already started by picking his shots from yesterday. I do agree with the fact that it has been a while since we took a stroll through Pipemakers and now that Summer is sort-of here, I've remembered how flies and mosquitos were such a nuisance last summer. It was quite refreshing to see how seasonal this place can be. As Peter pointed out, it never looks the same. We were actually trying to collect a handful of flowers that I can start pressing which by the way I have completed as they are well stored in a cool area inside my mama bird's heavy pathiophysio therapy books I've piled on each other. I can't wait to see how they turn out even though I have been warned that if I'm to keep some sort of diary for them, it'd be tedious when I don't have a flower dictionary or know some of my flora already. So I must idly stare at my screen until I figure out a much easier way to search for their names besides googling them by colour. 2014 is starting off so well for me as my family is sitting at a peaceful (enough) place with each other, the dogs smell fruity and Sampson no longer smells at all.

Cardigan: Cocolatte// Dress: Valleygirl//Shoes: Rubi

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