Let me just reminisce on some camp memories:
- Sneaking out the first night was awesome! hehe. Walked around the lake and over the brigde with the boys from CSC. Roche didn't come coz she was too tired. Kostas' "girl" made us stay and wait for her for an hour so she can sneak out and ended up not sneaking out in the first place. After that we went back to the boys cabin and I slept at Carlito's feet haha grose I know!
- A plus at camp was seeing my music teacher who isn't really a teacher, more like an instrumental teacher who DOES NOT teach me but more like helps the yr 12s with VCE MUSIC XD. It was so good to have him there coz 1. He's really, really good looking and 2. The band couldn't do anything right without him. ...But mainly coz he's good looking.

- Performed Misery Business, it was really good except maybe not to David's (the one who's not really my music teacher) standard but it was good without him. I'm already missing Fergus coz he was so cool.
- Laugh SOOOOOOOO much at Carolito's hand gestures of this really mean and annoying teacher from Maribyrnong College. She whispered when there was need for it at all.
- The fact that I was thinking of which character Alex reminded me of and at dinner I finally figured out who it was that he looked like. MELMAN! from Madagascar...you know, the girraffe.

- Playing Truth or Dare with Roche, Carlito and Alex on Emil's iTOUCH and the dare's were all so wrong.
There was so much more that happened that I really can't remember but I'm just really happy to be back home with my parents and pets. BTW the babies have opened their eyes. "Band Camp" was a highlight of the year for me.
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