I'm so excited about this trip that I had planned for my Mother for Mother's day this year. This was actually a last minute sorta-thing and mum so excitedly went along with my plan. Now, we have changed the dates completely and instead of it being just my Mother and I, my Daddy is coming along with us too on Holy Week (Easter Weekend). My cousin had a girls weekend with her Mother and soon-to-be Sister in law and I thought that it would be a delightful idea to treat my mum seeing as though I work now and I'm pretty loaded. Tickets weren't that expensive, I paid $360 for return flights for my Daddy, Mother and myself and we'll be spending 3 nights at a Mercure hotel dead-set in the middle of the city. It only has one Queen-sized bed and so I've demanded my place on there as I paid for most of this short holiday and Mother paid for accomodation which was actually free because of some accomodation voucher she was given not too long ago. Once March arrives, I'll be purchasing a See Sydney Card for all us three which includes free transport and free entry to all tourist attractions there for 3 days. We'll definantly take into consideration of pulling off an Oprah Winfrey by gathering all that's left of our courage to walk up the Sydney Harbour bridge. There's heaps more to talk about but I don't have time at the moment.
I woke up the next day and poof! Epiphony! Bondi is in Sydney right? This means I get to go Bondi! Well, my intentions aren't exactly to go a crowded beach, a beach of which is famous for constant tragedies occuring on a daily basis. But in fact, I have been enthralled by the fact that Bondi is THE only place in Australia which sells Jeffrey Campbell's amazing Lita shoes. I have to show you which ones Im talking about, and for this, I am extremely excited.

To have a look at the rest of these awesome shoes click here
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