Peter and I made a quick stop at a friend's house to meet their newest addition to their family and give them presents which we made for the little bub. I'm actually quite proud of the bowtie/tux bibs that I had made and for some reason forgot to take pictures of how adorable they were. The little one still has some growing to do until he can wear our bibs and get them dirty. Although I have my 3-4 year olds on Sunday mornings, I think it's been years since I last gently carried a newish-born baby in my arms. He was super tiny and very light, yet I had this feeling like he'd fall through my arms for some reason. It was such a joy to measure his hands and feet to my fingers and listen to him grunt as he lay there. The Graham's are such a lovely little family and it's wonderful to know that Peter is in complete awe and admiration for them. He's obviously known them longer than I have and I know for a fact that he loves them wholeheartedly, he's inspired by them and he looks up to them greatly. They are beautiful people and it's so so good to know them.

1 comment:
Cute pictures!
Always fun to look back at pictures like these!
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