Missing First Period
The Family: Practise Mode
(Though this guy is not doing work at all here ^^)
Couldn't Help Myself With This One
Elijah Jordan Wood - too good looking.
The age difference between you and I depresses me.
All images via Always and Forever
White Blank Page
One more thing that I must do is start purchasing CD's for next years Soundwave oh yeah! with Anberlin, MXPX, New Found Glory...and some other which I am yet to discover of course...I'm pretty bad actually.
Tremble Little Lion Man

65 Cents For Lung Cancer Please?
By giving them money for what they want, this is an act of support and yes - I will support my friends through no matter what but if it's just to spend money on something so SERIOUSLY deadly, I won't do it. If advertisements and articles of such fatal consequences will not reach their minds to quit, then they should just remind themselves everyday of the idiot they've become by saying things such as "Hey, I've got 2 lung cancers left. You want one?" or "Can I slowly kill myself and buy that packet of harmful cancers please?" You would seriously think though that people could take their own life seriously. But some just don't get it and some like my dear friend know about the consequences but out of an unbreakable habit, they'll keep going until it's too late. By then, even I won't save them, no one can.
It's not only a packet of smokes that damage and influence our youth of today. It's the drinking behaviour that has risen to prove that drinking is okay because you'll feel somewhat cooler and better. I admire those who decide to be sober, but who's there to admire? I understand that it doesn't exactly say that "you should not drink" in the Bible, but if you do it just to become a bit more unperturbed and easy, it just goes to show how uncomfortable you really are with being yourself. First of all, wine was used as a form of medicine or used for special celebrations but if it’s “just for fun” then I guess you’d probably need to work on your personality so that you’re just as fun when you’re sober. For years I’ve been offered to try but even when I did, I didn’t even do it properly. I’m not strange; I just don’t support the idea of it. A close friend said to me once, “But you’re Blue. No one can ever change you” and that is a powerful quote in itself to be so grounded into your faith that people actually realize the better in you. I wouldn’t be surprised if I heard a conversation starting off with”hey what did you buy for tonight?” “I’ve got a 20pack of liver cirrhosis in the fridge” “sweet”.
My intention is not to condemn those who choose to do it. I just felt like saying this because if you just think about it, it’s quite the funny thought. Just don't lose your individuality to things that make you seem better to others.
A House By The Lake
Recently becoming the quiet person that I am now, I have realized that I have longed to move out of this house for quite some time. Although now is probably not that best time but I'm still considering it. I was thinking of where I shall have my dream house and imagining what it could look like and it has been such an enjoyable task. Right now I think that peaceful, desolate places are probably the best for me considering I am just a home-body who enjoys little company but of course many are welcome. I know that if I were to buy a property, I'd never survive to maintain the household and so there is the option of finding someone who is as beautiful as your lake house surroundings to share your land with. But let’s scrap that out of my picture. My parents have considered living in Canada and their houses are beautifully structured but I’m sure there will be a time where I’ll need to move out. The thought of having a house in Australia is well of convenience to me so that visiting friends won’t be such a difficult process.
As much as I long for that perfect house now, I have thought carefully about the pros and cons to it. I mean the negative possibilities that withdraw my attention from the idea. Might I just add a little bit of information about myself that is slightly embarrassing? I believe everything I see in thriller films. So things like; too many trees within a short radius of my house, huge glass windows, double story houses, bushy lakes and muddy water have feared me of living alone. I’d like to keep clear from dark murky places in case a probable murder transpires of it. What? Just saying...
I’m not too fond of timber houses because if it were a lifelong house to keep, I’m sure even the toughest wood couldn’t fight the inevitable assail of hungry mites. Therefore, I would like to have it made of brick. I am a little silly for being so cliché, but of course I’m not asking for a white house with a picket fence. I want one of my own with everything I could love neighbouring me. Also, I doubt I’d like to live in an old pre-build house. Demolishing is expensive, but if that’s what I have to do to posses such a beauty of a house then I guess it’s my only option to take. A chimney would be perfect for the summer decor and the winter’s heroin, being the solitary thing that would make the house feel like my own.
I should remind you that I do want a studio house with open space instead of a house of many halls. Things would feel much safer that way too. Having my favourite colour scheme of warm, earthy browns, yellows, peaches, orange, greens and pastels would bring me such happiness. The vintage touch of reused furnishings is quite appealing to me and hopefully I’ll have some random little quirky trinkets lying around on shelves and what-not as a display. Now imagine a random tree in the middle of my huge living room with special little losties that have made their way onto, willing to hang from it. I know, it sounds silly, but I indeed find it such a delightful thought.
I’ve given much thought about this and of course being the only one who wants to live in such a house for myself, I have to limit my pets to one member. Preferably a dog because they are the most grateful and loyal companions that anyone could have. Plus why ask for more when there is a whole adventure waiting outside my door filled with amazing wildlife (again a figment of my imagination, but who cares?). Take a row in the lake? Maybe. But I doubt I’d swim in it for I’m afraid of what could be lurking in its murky depths. There are some VERY blessed people whom live in on the other side of the world with a remarkable scenery just out front and I'm completely envious!
Jeric's El Grande Party
(Trust father to take horrible photos and show off his incredibly bad photo editing skills! Now rediting them seems impossible)
You Think It's Only God Who Sees The Soul
Lord Harry Wotton: What? What do you mean?
Dorian Gray: How sad it is... That I shall grow old, but this picture
will remain always young. My hair will turn gray, my skin will
wrinkle, and my teeth will rot. While my picture remains exactly as
it is now. If only it were the other way...
Lord Harry Wotton: Dorian...
Dorian Gray: If it were I who would remain always young and the
picture would grow old. For that, I would give everything...
Lord Harry Wotton: Dorian...
Dorian Gray: Yes, everything! For that... I would even give my soul.
Basil Hallward: [smirks and raises his glass] To long life.
All movie stills are not mine - Ace Show Biz
My Weakness Now...
Jeffrey Campbell - Karl - Beige Wool Clog at Footnotesonline Women's..., $95
Spotlight Heel in Brown, $80
L.A.M.B. Vogul - Natural Leather, $345
Seychelles Women's Countdown T-Strap Pump, $90
Marc by Marc Jacobs Women's 605645 Clog: Shoes, $147
Inspiration: Since this Wednesday is the only day I can quickly shop for shoes for Jeric's I decided to post the shoes and booties that I'd like to live in my wardrobe someday. But as for this Saturday, I'm thinking of Black suede wedges.
Making An Effort
One thing I must inform you is that I've become permanently employed! After ranting on about wanting a job, I finally got one. There's so much I would like to save up for! Like mine and Molly's trip to Canada and the US next year. The pay is amazing and in fact, I'm still overwhelmed by how I have come to the possession of this job. I applied for the position at the start of the year only to receive a negative email in my inbox explaining how I was rejected. But they recently called for an interview. During the interview it turned out that I was already employed and the interview was just an availability day...crazy. Wooh! My first job in retail. If your wondering, we sell fabrics and all crafty things to lighten any one's day up.
Of course you know that we had a video shoot for Jeric's birthday party but I was just letting you know that a preview of it has been finally released and you can see it here. Though, I'd rather you not because I am a little embarrassed of my dance moves with a bag of salt and vinegar chips. I'm starting to feel really excited for his birthday which is this Saturday. I need to buy shoes and a jacket...oh and hopefully a toy hat from Build-A-Bear so I can turn it into a small facsinator. Oh and one thing that I forgot to mention is that I'll be performing for him with my my greatest pal Jay. The song I'll be singing is called Count On Me by Bruno Mars. It's a really cute best friend song to sing. I've been having this ridiculous diet so I can fit into my dress for the night...I bought it 2 sizes too small, only because I couldn't resist it's material and design.
My school mentor has changed. I couldn't have found anyone better than my English teacher, Ash. If I were to explain what he's like, I wouldn't know where to begin. He's a real asshole who tells me I have crap hearing, but he's a really good teacher and so far I've been receiving amazing grades for my English class. But he's still a real bitch of a teacher...in a cool way. Oh and good luck to me for my next creative SAC which is tomorrow.
Previously speaking of Jeric's party, I've been granted permission to hold my own 18th at my house. I've already chosen the attire which of course is semi-formal. The amount of people I wish to invite is too long so I have to figure out whom I am to invite. I would like to have some sort of colour theme in the house to make it look a little bit interesting but I'm not quite sure. So there's my youth/youth band friends, my table clique group, the group of girls at school, my tiny music class and Zak and Andrew. Now you see the dilemma. Of course my parents will be there for supervision...or to "try" to be hip. Music and dancing is all outside and inside is the food...mmm. Well that's all I've got so far that's planned up. Soon I'll be needing a request for a play list.
Playing netball again! We are called the CHINCHILLAS!!! And for our first game we lost miserably. Not really, we were laughing so much that we lost. Best game but as a result, I was sore all over the next day. This Friday's a no-go because I have to practice a song with Jay for Jeric's. But they have my full support. All I know is that we have a lot of training to do, but for the team we want to have fun. The guys throw a little bit of football skills into the game like diving for the ball...wrong sport! But in the end, we all laughed.
Roly's 18th was last Friday (on the night of my first netball game) and it was really sweet. A dinner with a group of close friends at a local restaurant. It was really nice to hang out with them again. I do have some pictures to post up...but they're not all of them due to the fact that Molly and I had to leave too early. I wore something that was pretty and I had added a little bit of comfortableness to it but unfortunately I could take a picture of it...so maybe another day.
Reached a proper level of tiredness
Hopefully I can post tomorrow...and when there is a lovely day, filled with sunshine and cool breeze surrounding this town. My apologies for this boring and irrelevant post.